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What are Counselling and Psychotherapy?
Although the name suggests otherwise, Counsellors and Psychotherapists do not just listen to your problems and give advice. This is because what works well for one client may not work well for the next. Counsellors will not diagnose you or prescribe you medication, and depending on where you are in the world, neither will psychotherapists. The processes of psychotherapy and counselling are complex; full of expression, relation, knowing and being known. Counselling and Psychotherapy aim to offer a safe, non-judgmental, and confidential space for you to talk about your issues, thoughts, feelings, and concerns. During this process a therapist or counsellor will listen and facilitate you reaching your personal goals or finding new ways of coping through meeting and relating with you deeply. They will help you find a solution that works for you.
Irvin Yalom describes psychotherapy as "both art and science; research findings may ultimately shape the broad contours of practice, but the human encounter at the center of therapy will always be a deeply subjective, nonquantifiable experience".

What should I talk about?
Because of the confidentiality and mystery around counselling and therapy, one of the most common questions people have about it is: "What do you talk about?". Unfortunately there is not one answer. Much of the time we talk about your issues, thoughts, feelings, and concerns that you bring with you to the session.
Your therapists approach will also influence what you talk about during your counselling journey. You could talk about: your feelings, thoughts, behaviours, and emotions, your current relationships and past relationships, your childhood and upbringing, life events, or situations you find difficult, among all other things. Sometimes, sessions don’t have much talking at all, and clients prefer to think about their concerns in an abstract or artistic way. This could include music making, painting, drawing, crafting, meditation, dancing, or any other way you can think of expressing yourself!
Most people will get the most out of therapy if they're willing to partake in the counselling journey. This means being open and honest, especially about your experience with the therapeutic work being done.  Counselling and Psychotherapy sessions usually last for around 50 minutes, and occur once a week, though this will depend on your schedule and your therapists schedule. Here at Gathering Thoughts, we aim to provide sessions once a week and for 50 minutes, though you can discuss this with your therapist in your first session if you'd like to negotiate a different schedule.

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Unfortunately, Gathering Thoughts cannot provide Crisis Intervention. If you need immediate help, please contact one of the following charities. Their websites all work worldwide without the use of a VPN.
Your Life Counts -
Samaritans UK -
Contact USA -

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