
Our services

Counselling with Gathering Thoughts is usually conducted once a week, for 50 minutes each time. This is called a ˜counselling hour", as the last 10 minutes allow the therapist to write any notes at the end of the session, and process any feelings they are experiencing to make sure there is little-to-no overlap between clients. Acknowledging that we may not be in the same time zone, or that you may work long or strange hours, please contact us to arrange a time that works for you.
Counselling can be provided face-to-face, however, if you are unable to travel, we can also conduct it over the phone or through an online platform.
Counselling is offered in an open-ended format, however if you feel short-term counselling to be better suited for you, we can also run 6- or 12- week courses for you. Counselling is a process and appropriate endings are essential.
 One of the biggest barriers to counselling and mental health services is finances. People who need counselling also often find themselves without the disposable income to afford it. If you are one of those people, please do talk to us and we can come to an arrangement for the cost of a session.

1-to-1 Counselling and Psychotherapy

Couples Counselling


Clients in Fuzhou who are willing to travel to their appointments are able to meet with a counsellor face-to-face.
One benefit of face-to-face work is the ability to bring your concerns to a safe external space.
Another benefit is the ability to connect person-to-person, without a third party (e.g. email provider or video platform).

Online Counselling
Although people may prefer face-to-face counselling for personal reasons, there has been much research showing that online support is as effective as offline support.
We are able to provide counselling over platforms such as Zoom. Although Zoom isn’t always available in China, we use Zoom because it doesn’t record any data from the meetings arranged. This complies with current UK GDPR policies.
Online counselling can be beneficial to cut travel costs, both on time and money.

Email Counselling
Writing your thoughts and feelings may be easier than speaking them aloud. If this is the case, email therapy may be for you.
Many email providers encrypt their data as they send it, so email is a safe and secure way to conduct therapy.
However, without the vocal or physical cues that therapists work with often, there is the danger of miscommunication.
It may also be difficult to focus on the therapy when working on a platform that you use for other forms of communication. Unfortunately, Gathering Thoughts only offers email counselling to individual clients, not couples, at this time.


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Heart Circles

Heart Circles are support groups whereby like-minded individuals get together to speak and listen from the heart. With no agenda, Heart Circles can be about whatever members of the group would like to talk about. Allowing other members of the group to speak and be heard without judgement, we can help others find and fulfill their highest potention, as well as developing skills like active listening for ourselves. The adoption of rules allow the members of the circle to manage and maintain the groups themselves in order to best meet their individual needs and the needs of others in the group alongside maintaining confidentiality and the emotional safety of the individuals in the group.

To find out more about group therapy with Gathering Thoughts, please contact us using the form below.


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Each month Gathering Thoughts presents a workshop about a common mental health topic. These workshops aim to increase public education, provide personal insight, and encourage conversations around mental health. They're interactive, fun, and based in scientific fact.

Two types of workshops are presented each month - one aimed at anyone who is interested in psychology and mental health, and the second aimed at parents. The parental workshops aim to help parents understand and support their children throughout their lives.
Workshops are also a part of Gathering Thoughts school and business packages. They can be written about any psychological topic.

Workshops in the past have included:
Making new years resolutions that last
Love Languages
Motivating yourself and your kids
Miscarriage and loss of a child
Loving (and feeling loved by) your children

Coming workshops
What is depression?
What is post-natal depression?
Healthy childhood development
Meditation outdoors

For more information, please contact us using the form below.

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Meditation Groups For Adults

There's no two ways about it, our lives these days are hectic. Along with keeping on top of work, and childcare, and getting enough sleep, alongside checking our emails, answering the phone, updating our families on our lives, we have to make sure that we're exercising, eating healthily, and looking after our mental health. No wonder so many of us are burned out. Meditation is a quick and easy way to help understand, cope with, and manage our daily stressors.

Have you tried meditation before and disliked it? That may be because there isn't just one way to meditate. Here at Gathering Thoughts we try to cater our meditation classes to as many imaginations as possible - whether yours is vast or small. You can nurture your inner world once a week in our classes, or a little at home every day with our bank of guided meditations (we also don't mind if you use them to fall asleep at night either!)

To find out more about meditation classes for adults and teens, please contact us using the form below.

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Meditation Groups for Children

Being a child can be difficult. With pressure from your parents to be well behaved, a studious learner, and have a rich social life, to pressure from your peers to have the newest i-phone, most expensive clothes, or funniest jokes, children rarely get asked or think deeply about their needs. More often than not, these needs get pushed down further and further until they manifest in undesireable behaviour. Meditation classes for children can help them identify and communicate these needs efficiently and effectively. Practicing meditation can help relieve stress, increase memory capacity, and improve learning.

As they grow into healthy adults, children who have practiced meditation are able to manage their emotions, cope with stress, and beat common mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression. Meditation is a skill that they can take with them and develop throughout their life.

To find out more about the different types of meditation classes for children, please contact us using the form below.

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Art and Craft Support Groups

Ever wanted to try counselling, but worried that you can't put your emotions or experiences into words? No need to in our art and craft support groups. These groups allow individuals to express feelings, thoughts, memories, and their identity without needing to say anything. A piece of art is also a wonderful mirror for self reflection, allowing you to access your subconscious without restriction.

Art and Craft support groups with Gathering Thoughts may be structured or unstructured, allowing for new feelings, thoughts, and experiences to bubble to the surface. You may find out something new about yourself, learn a new artistic skill, or develop your creativity all while creating beautiful pieces of art!

Open to people who can and can't paint/draw/create, please contact us for more information.

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Packages for Schools

Throughout life, mental health support is never as important as it is in childhood. Children's brains are still growing and developing, amid pressures of fitting in, getting good grades, and not disappointing the adults in their lives. Through supporting children with their challenges, teaching coping mechanisms and skills, and informing them of common mental health conditions, we can make sure the next generation grows up with best opportunities possible.

Teachers have one of the highest burnout rates in any profession. In order to make sure you're providing the best possible education, why not make sure your teachers are looked after too? Providing mental health support for teachers can enable them to provide fantastic lessons, grade efficiently, and enjoy their jobs. When the teachers enjoy school, we guess that the students will to; attending classes more consistently, learning more thoroughly, and improving their grades!

Mental Health Support can also be a deciding factor for some parents when it comes to sending their children to one school over another. Why not extend that support to the parents too? With services such as workshops, newsletters, and Q&A sessions, Gathering Thoughts can help parents support children at home with their educational and emotional development.

Are you in need of some extra mental health support for your students, parents, or staff members? Find out more at our Information for Schools page.


Packages for Businesses

Coming Soon

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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