Information for Schools

Information for Schools

Schools aren't just a place for children to learn math, science, or languages. They are an integral part of the community, offering a space for children, parents, and staff to connect, communicate, learn, and grow.

What is Mental Health ?

Over the past ten years or so, Mental Health has become an international buzzword. Companies and schools that offer mental health support are being prioritized by parents and employees. It’s being recognized as an important part of life, especially in the development of children.
Children’s brains are still growing, and it’s important that they grow in a healthy manner. The impact that society, parents, and teachers have on children can influence them for the rest of their lives.
Here at Gathering Thoughts, we are passionate about helping make that a good impact.

Importance of mental health support for children and young people

Around one-in-six children in England have a diagnosable mental health condition. Between the ages of 17-19, this rises to one-in-four (1). This doesn’t include instances of non-diagnosable mental health concerns such as loneliness or grief.
Covid-19 has had an impact on student mental health, not only increasing instances of loneliness, but also interrupting the development of emotional resilience. A quarter of children reported sleep disruptions specifically due to the impact of Covid. 54% of 11-16 year olds, and 59% of 17-22 year olds felt that covid had made their lives worse (2).
During Covid, students and teachers noticed the benefits of using online platforms for education. However, Zhang et al (2022) found online learning caused the number of students with depressive symptoms to rise from 22.24% to 29.95%, insomnia symptoms rose from 70.27% to 75.89%, and 58.5% of students were recognized as having problematic smartphone use, raising their levels of anxiety and stress (3).
Between October 2022 and October 2023, 7 in 10 therapists working with children noticed an increase in exam and school stress. Almost 50% of therapists have seen an increase in stress in young people that is unrelated to exams or school (4).
A September 2022 poll found that 73% of parents wanted more funding for mental health support in schools, and 76% of students would like to be able to access more mental health support in schools (5).
From a study of schools and colleges across the UK, 74% of schools said that access to mental health support helped improve attendance, 73% reported improvements in behaviour, and 72% said that it improved academic attainment. Furthermore, 66% said it allowed teachers to focus on teaching (6) therefore improving teaching standards. 
A 2023 study found that for every £1 invested in Mental Health Support in schools for students, staff, and parents, £1.90 was saved by the state (5).

What Gathering Thoughts can offer:

Workshops once a month for students and/or staff about common mental health concerns. Topics decided by school management.

Mental Health Focused workshops developed to help parents understand, engage with, and support their children as they grow into healthy human beings. 

Topics decided by school management.

One-on-one psychological counselling sessions for students and staff though art, play, or talking therapy.

Time at parent-teacher conferences to meet parents one-on-one and answer any mental health related questions.

Bi–weekly newsletters for parents explaining what is being talked about during groups or support sessions and answering any FAQs.

Meditation groups for parents and students to attend together, strengthening their relationship.

Confidential, drop-in support sessions for students.

Confidential stress-focused group support sessions for students.

Monthly breakdowns for management showing trends throughout the school regarding mental health and services accessed.

Tailored Packages include benefits and discounts: e.g. self-care welcome boxes for workshop attendees, guided meditation audio tracks for children and adults, 20% off other Gathering Thoughts services for staff, students, and family members.

Contact Us


Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information or to discuss what we can do for you, your staff, and your students.

y2. Newlove-Delgado T et al. Child mental health in England before and during the COVID-19 lockdown. The Lancet; 2021 (pub online 11 January). DOI:
3. Zhang, C., Hao, J., Ye, L., Ju. C., Hao.Y. (2022) Associations between onlone learning, smartphone addiction problems, and psychological symptoms in Chinese collge students after the Covid-19 Pandemic. Public Mental Health. Volume 10. DOI:

Interested in our services for schools?

We would like to know your needs so we can tailor the perfect package for your school, your students, and your community. Please use the form below to arrange a meeting to discuss how we can best meet those needs.

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